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Showing 841 to 850 of 904 results for `air pollution`
Appendix B: Relationship with other relevant plans or legislation
Findings of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the consultation draft of Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.
Annex: Key Forward Actions and Strategic Plans
Sets out progress made in taking forward actions in the Progressing the Human Rights of Children in Scotland: An Action Plan 2018 to 2021 since December 2018.
5 Land and freshwater management
A strategy for the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in Scotland.
9 Biodiversity, flora and fauna
Environmental report for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of our preferred policy position on unconventional oil and gas in Scotland.
3 Our approach
Research into Economic Impact Assessment and scenario development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland.
Fairer Scotland Duty (FSD) Assessment
Part D of the local development planning - regulations and guidance consultation includes the following impact assessments: strategic environmental, business and regulatory, equalities, fairer Scotland duty, child rights and wellbeing and island
Annex: Environmental Protection Regimes
Planning Advice Note (PAN) 51, (revised in 2006) supports the existing policy on the role of the planning system in relation to the environmental protection regimes.
Appendix 1: Review of SNH Technical Guidance Note (2003) on Wind farms and Carbon Savings
This approach was developed to calculate the impact of wind farm developments on the soil carbon stocks held in peats. It provides a transparent and easy to follow method for estimating the impacts of wind farms on the carbon dynamics of peat lands.
Chapter 3: Sectoral Interests
The Scottish Government’s initial response to consultations on the UK’s future trade relationships with Australia, New Zealand, and USA.
Stage 2: Data and evidence gathering, involvement and consultation
Summary of results for the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken to consider the impacts on equality of Programme 3 of Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.
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