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Showing 871 to 880 of 904 results for `air pollution`
Section 3 – Thematic Guidance
Part C of the local development planning - regulations and guidance consultation sets out: (1) the overall aims and expectations for new style LDPs; (2) the process of how to achieve a new style plans; (3) and detailed thematic guidance on how new
9 Appendix A: Relevant Environmental Protection Objectives
This Environmental Report documents the results of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which is an assessment of the effects of the plans on relevant environmental receptors. In this assessment the effects of the plan on the following have
Improving our homes
Analysis of responses to our public consultation 'Energy Efficient Scotland: making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient'.
Appendix B. Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment
This report considers the potential impacts of introducing the draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) including on protected characteristics.
The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005: Policy Statement and Regulatory Impact Assessment
Policy Statement and Regulatory Impact Assessment accompanying the Controlled Activities Regulations
5 Measuring the economic contribution of UOG to Scotland
Research into Economic Impact Assessment and scenario development of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland.
Part 1 – Storage and application of organic materials.
Good water quality is important to us all and it is important that we continue to protect this key natural resource in Scotland. This consultation invites stakeholders to respond to a range of proposed updates to The Water Environment (Controlled
Part Two - Proposals
Consultation on amending the Scottish Environmental Impact Assessment regulations, implementing European Directive 2014/52/EU.
5. Assessment of SCCB Proposals
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Climate Change Bill: Consultation Proposals: Final Environmental Report (Post-Consultation Issue) November 2008
Annex B: Non-standard consultation responses
Summary of the analysis of responses submitted on the designation of the four possible Marine Protected Areas; North-east Lewis, Sea of the Hebrides, Shiant East Bank and Southern Trench.
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