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Showing 9,501 to 9,510 of 9,755 results for Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment
Updated Route Map table to reflect the move to Phase 1 in Scotland's route map through and out of the crisis.
The Process for Accessing BASRiS
Our analysis of responses to the consultation on guidance of the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, on the definition of terminal illness for the purpose of disability assistance, undertaken between 12 February and 19 April 2019.
3. Key Findings
We carried out an evaluation, supported by COSLA and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), of access to free period products in educational settings during the first full academic year of delivery, from 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2019.
4. Research
Best practice information for local authorities, community planning partnership and service providers.
Annex B - Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment
This consultation document outlines and invites views on the Scottish Government's proposals for a new criminal offence of wilful neglect or ill-treatment in health and social care settings.
Annex D - Detailed Or Drafting Comments
This report presents the findings of the independent analysis of responses to the Scottish Government's consultation on the draft Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill. The consultation ran from 12 December 2012 to 20 March 2013, and sought
WHO criterion 6: Communities have a voice
This publication provides an assessment of the evidence which informed the decision to move to Phase 3 of Scotland's route map.
5. Conclusion
Progress made so far on supporting allied health professions children and young people (AHP CYP) community and direction for 2018-2020.
Section 4: Components of Service Provision
Analysis of responses to the Scottish Government consultation on provision of specialist residential chronic pain services in Scotland
Stage 1 Report
Response to the Health and Sport Committee's Stage 1 Report.
There is a problem
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