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Showing 296 publications about Education

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  1. Women in Scottish fisheries: literature review

    Findings from a review of research literature, case studies and examples of good practice from Scotland and beyond, alongside existing government strategies, to provide insights into challenges and opportunities presented for women in Scottish fishing.

  2. Scottish Exchange of Data: school establishments

    Rolling and annual survey to maintain up-to-date a database of all the schools in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Scottish Exchange of Data (ScotXed)
  3. Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation - Headteacher Survey 2021: technical report

    The Attainment Scotland Fund Evaluation: Headteacher Survey 2021 Technical Report provides details of the survey methodology and response, analysis and reporting, including a list of the survey questions, and the tabular results for the Headteacher Survey 2021.

  4. Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation - Headteacher Survey: 2021 report

    This report presents key findings from the sixth survey of headteachers of schools in receipt of Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF) support, covering the 2020 to 2021 academic year including the period of school building closures from January to March 2021.

  5. Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: fifth interim report - year 6

    This report focuses on the Year 6 (2020 to 2021) evaluation of Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF) across Pupil Equity Funding (PEF), Challenge Authority and Schools Programme Funding streams.

  6. Summary Statistics for Follow-up Leaver Destinations, No. 4: 2022 Edition

    This statistical publication provides information on the follow-up destinations of 2020/21 school leavers from publicly funded schools in Scotland

    Part of:
    School education statistics
  7. Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey 2021

    Results from the 2021 Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey.

  8. Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey 2021: Technical Report

    Technical report for the 2021 Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey.

  9. 1+2 languages policy - local authority survey 2021: findings

    Findings of a 2021 survey of local authorities on progress to implement the 1+2 languages policy in schools. The key finding is that nearly all primary and secondary schools now deliver language learning from P1 through to the end of the Broad General Education.

  10. Coronavirus (COVID-19) higher education, further education and community learning and development: wider harms

    This paper considers the indirect, wider harms of the pandemic on students, learners and staff within the Further Education, Higher Education and Community Learning and Development sectors from the perspective of stakeholders and drawing on the findings or relevant reports relating to these sectors.

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