Statistics and research

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Showing 328 publications about Children and families

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  1. Rural childcare provision, innovative models and the needs of agricultural families: research

    This report outlines the main findings from research exploring the challenges of rural childcare provision, innovative models and the needs of agricultural families

  2. Family Nurse Partnership - a family nurse's perspective: 10 year anniversary

    A reflection of the first 10 years of the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) programme in Scotland from a family nurses’ perspective.

  3. Early learning and childcare statistics: equalities data for 2014-2020

    This brings together data from the ELC Census, Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), breaking down children and staff by key equality characteristics.

    Part of:
    Early learning and childcare statistics
  4. Child Poverty Action Group - advice, information and training services: evaluation

    Evaluation of Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland’s second tier advice, information and training services.

  5. Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: fourth interim report - year 5

    This report focuses on the Year 5 (2019 to 2020) evaluation of Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF) across Pupil Equity Funding (PEF), Challenge Authority and Schools Programme Funding streams.

  6. Attainment Scotland Fund evaluation: headteacher survey - topline briefing report 2020

    This report presents and overview of headline findings from the 2020 survey of headteachers of schools in receipt of support from the Attainment Scotland Fund (ASF). This is the fifth survey of headteachers, previous surveys having been conducted in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

  7. Engaging in risky online behaviour - prevalence and associated factors: initial findings

    Initial findings on prevalence and associated factors at age 12 from the Growing Up in Scotland Survey on engaging in risky online behaviour.

  8. Nature-based early learning and childcare - influence on children's health, wellbeing and development: literature review

    This review of global evidence aimed to understand the extent to which nature-based early learning and childcare (ELC) influences young children’s physical, cognitive, and social and emotional development

  9. Coronavirus (COVID-19): children, young people and families - evidence summary - December 2020

    Summary of Scottish and UK evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and young people.

  10. Scottish Study of Early Learning and Childcare: Three-year-olds (Phase 3) Report - Updated 2021

    Findings from the third phase of the Scottish Study of Early Learning and Childcare (SSELC), a research project established to evaluate the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Early learning and childcare expansion evaluation
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