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Equality and rights
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  1. Equality evidence strategy 2023-2025: interim review

    The report contains an interim review of the Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025. It outlines progress and learnings to date, as well as identifying key next steps to take forward for the final year of the Strategy.

  2. Minority ethnic women's experiences in Scotland 2024: intersectional evidence review

    Explores evidence on the experiences of minority ethnic women living in Scotland as a route to examining the importance of intersectional analysis, plus the opportunities and challenges of taking an intersectional approach in data collection, analysis and reporting.

  3. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - gender budgeting pilots: evaluation report

    This Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report sets out the findings of a process evaluation of work to pilot approaches to gender budgeting in the Scottish Government.

  4. Scottish Welfare Fund and Discretionary Housing Payments: monthly data

    Management information on Scottish Welfare Fund and Self-Isolation Support Grants and Official Statistics on Discretionary Housing Payments to October 2024.

    Part of:
    Scottish Government Social Security Statistics Publications
  5. Discrimination and Harassment in Scotland, results from the 2023 Scottish Household Survey

    This topic report highlights key findings on discrimination and harassment in Scotland from the 2023 Scottish Household Survey results.

    Part of:
    Equality evidence: publications
    Scottish Household Survey results
  6. Occasional Paper: Summary Characteristics of UK Armed Forces Veterans - Scotland's Census 2022

    A report presenting census data which demonstrates differences between Scotland’s veteran and non-veteran population, based on providing high-level statistics on veterans’ demographic characteristics.

  7. Non-binary people's experiences in Scotland: evidence review

    Presents evidence which offers useful insight into the experiences of non-binary people in Scotland. Primarily, the evidence suggests that non-binary people face discrimination in multiple sectors of society such as education, communities, work, benefits and housing.

  8. Take-up rates of Scottish benefits: November 2024

    This publication contains our latest estimates of take-up of Scottish benefits delivered by Social Security Scotland. An 'Easy Read' version of this publication is available in the Supporting Documents section.

    Part of:
    Social security policy research and evaluation: publications
  9. Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland, 2023 to 2024

    Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents recorded by the police in Scotland from 2023 to 2024.

    Part of:
    Domestic abuse in Scotland statistics
  10. Skills Recognition Scotland (SRS) pilot: learning insights

    Report undertaken to gather high level insights on the process including its strengths and key learnings for any future work.

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