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24 results

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  1. Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2022

    The Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification provides a consistent way of defining urban and rural areas across Scotland. The classification is based upon two main criteria: population and accessibility.

    Part of:
    Agriculture, fisheries and rural statistics
  2. Scottish Budget 2025 to 2026: climate change taxonomy

    This annex sets out how the Budget will impact on our climate change priority. It is divided into two parts: the first part presents an overarching climate narrative, highlighting key spending that contributes towards our response to climate change; and the second part provides a carbon taxonomy

  3. Scottish Local Government Finance - Green Book: 2024-2025

    Scottish Local Government Finance Settlement 2024-25: Funding Allocation Formula.

    Part of:
    Local government finance statistics
  4. Scottish Islands Typology: overview 2024

    This report outlines the Scottish Islands Typology (2024). It classifies Scotland’s islands into ten categories based on combinations of population, access to local amenities, and access to mainland Scotland. It offers an alternative way to compare the differences and similarities between islands.

  5. The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland's Economy - Evidence Base & Policy Levers

    This report presents evidence and initial recommendations on how the Scottish Government could use the available policy levers to support the transformations in Scotland’s economy needed to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies.

  6. Rural Scotland Data Dashboard: Overview

    This report accompanies the Rural Scotland Data Dashboard which presents data on a range of issues that impact rural Scotland. The report synthesises the data included in the dashboard into a broader picture of successes, challenges and trends in rural Scotland.

  7. Scottish islands: data overview 2023

    This report gives a snapshot of Scotland's island-level data as collated in the new Scottish Islands Data Dashboard and draws out key findings relating to each of the strategic objective topic areas set out in the National Islands Plan.

  8. Air quality report 2022: public engagement

    Findings from a quantitative study exploring public perceptions of air quality in Scotland among adults.

  9. Scottish Household Survey 2021 - telephone survey: key findings

    A summary of the key findings from the Scottish Household Survey 2021 telephone survey.

    Part of:
    Scottish Household Survey results
  10. Scottish local government finance - Green Book: 2023-2024

    Scottish Local Government Finance Settlement 2023-24: Funding Allocation Formula.

    Part of:
    Local government finance statistics
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