Social Security Charter Review: research findings

This summary provides an overview of findings from research carried out to review the Scottish Social Security Charter, “Our Charter”.

Workshops with the core client group

Researchers organised five online workshops which each lasted for two hours.

During the workshops, the core client group reviewed each section of the Charter in detail.

They heard presentations and talks from researchers, the Scottish Commission on Social Security, the Scottish Human Rights Commission and Social Security Scotland.

The core client group suggested changes to the Charter and researchers also developed changes based on their feedback.

Changes were shared back to the core client group who said if they agreed or if anything was missing or should be changed.

The core client group were invited to share their experiences of taking part in the workshops via a survey.

All who responded agreed that they understood how their input would be used and taking part in the workshops allowed them to make a meaningful contribution to the Charter review process.

Some said they had felt listened to and all said they would be very likely to take part in future Client Panels research.

Quote from core client group participant:

“It felt like my views were being taken seriously and would be used in the Charter review process itself.”



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