
The Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme

The Scottish Manual Handling Passport Scheme (SMHPS) is an initiative designed to improve the standard and consistency of manual handling training / education and the systems (process/procedures) that underpin it within Health Boards and Local Authorities (LA) in Scotland.

Appendix 6a

Manual Handling Self Assessment Form - People Handling Employees

Reflective practice is the reflection on an activity that enables you to participate in a process of continuous learning. It is a useful tool where you can learn from your own experiences, rather than from formal teaching and is an important source of personal development and improvement.

This form asks you to first identify the moving and handling activities that you are involved with. Then, to identify whether you perceive you need learning in terms of your knowledge and skills with regards to how you currently perform the activity. For those activities that you perceive you need additional learning, undertake the activity(ies) and reflect on your performance, using the prompts on the reflective analysis form.

This tool once completed can be used as evidence for your KSF[8] and / or PDP[9] review and CPD[10] portfolio. If doing so, it should be discussed and countersigned by your local manager or KSF reviewer.

Appendix 6a

This form can be used to record your thoughts after undertaking an activity you perceive you needed additional learning for. Undertake the activity and reflect on your performance, using the prompts in each section below, you may need a different sheet for each activity. This process is intended to be self-reflective; however, asking another person, for example, the person or a colleague to comment on the activity may help inform your analysis.

Appendix 6a

Appendix 6b

Manual Handling Self Assessment Form - Inanimate Load Handling Employees

Reflective practice is the reflection on an activity that enables you to participate in a process of continuous learning. It is a useful tool where you can learn from your own experiences, rather than from formal teaching and is an important source of personal development and improvement.

This form asks you to first identify the moving and handling activities that you are involved with. Then, to identify whether you perceive you need learning in terms of your knowledge and skills with regards how you currently perform the activity. For those activities that you perceive you need additional learning, undertake the activity(s) and reflect on your performance, using the prompts on the next page. This tool once completed can be used as evidence for your KSF and / or PDP review and CPD portfolio. If doing so, it should be discussed and countersigned by your local manager or KSF reviewer.

Manual Handling Self Assessment Form - Inanimate Load Handling Employees

This form can be used to record your thoughts after undertaking an activity you perceive you needed additional learning for. Undertake the activity and reflect on your performance, using the prompts in each section below, you may need a different sheet for each activity. This process is intended to be self-reflective; however, asking another person, for example, a colleague to comment on the activity may help inform your analysis.

Manual Handling Self Assessment Form - Inanimate Load Handling Employees



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