
Council Tax Reduction Caseload and Expenditure, July - September 2014

Caseload and expenditure for the Council Tax Reduction scheme in Scotland.

Council Tax Reduction: Caseload and Expenditure, Scotland, July - September 2014 9th January 2015

Key points

  • There were 533,980 Council Tax Reduction recipients in Scotland in September 2014.
  • Total weekly expenditure on Council Tax Reduction in September 2014 was £6.8 million.
  • The Council Tax Reduction caseload in Scotland gradually decreased by 3.3 per cent (18,400) between the beginning of Scotland's CTR scheme in April 2013, and September 2014.

Council Tax Reduction caseload in Scotland: April 2013 to September 2014

Council Tax Reduction caseload in Scotland: April 2013 to September 2014

Local authority breakdowns for all months from April 2013 to Sept 2014 are available at:

Figure 1: Treemap of Council Tax Reduction caseload by Local Authority: September 2014

Figure 1: Treemap of Council Tax Reduction caseload by Local Authority: September 2014

See Table 1 for figures used to produce this.

1 = Clackmannanshire
2 = East Dunbartonshire
3 = East Renfrewshire
4 = Eilean Siar
5 = Orkney Islands
6 = Shetland Islands

Figure 1 illustrates the number of Council Tax Reduction recipients for each local authority in Scotland in September 2014. The five local authorities with the highest CTR caseload accounted for almost half (46 per cent) of the total caseload for Scotland. Glasgow City accounted for the highest proportion of Scotland's CTR caseload, at 19 per cent (98,970). North Lanarkshire accounted for 8 per cent (40,910) of the total CTR caseload, Edinburgh City 7 per cent (39,070), and Fife and South Lanarkshire each accounted for 6 per cent of total CTR caseload (34,270 and 33,990 respectively).

Table 1: Council Tax Reduction recipients by Local Authority: July 2014 to September 2014 1,2,3

Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14
SCOTLAND 537,780 538,040 533,980
Aberdeen City 14,050 14,000 13,830
Aberdeenshire 11,780 11,750 11,640
Angus 9,330 9,330 9,280
Argyll and Bute 7,760 7,760 7,700
Clackmannanshire 5,760 5,780 5,710
Dumfries and Galloway 14,360 14,410 14,330
Dundee City 19,930 19,890 19,730
East Ayrshire 15,500 15,510 15,450
East Dunbartonshire 6,140 6,130 6,110
East Lothian 8,000 7,970 7,960
East Renfrewshire 5,210 5,220 5,160
Edinburgh, City of 39,220 39,530 39,070
Eilean Siar 2,670 2,670 2,660
Falkirk 14,910 14,930 14,900
Fife 34,420 34,430 34,270
Glasgow City 99,390 99,520 98,970
Highland 18,550 18,510 18,230
Inverclyde 10,770 10,810 10,740
Midlothian 7,420 7,400 7,380
Moray 6,340 6,310 6,220
North Ayrshire 18,560 18,590 18,450
North Lanarkshire 41,160 41,120 40,910
Orkney Islands 1,290 1,320 1,290
Perth and Kinross 10,140 10,050 9,960
Renfrewshire 20,450 20,550 20,350
Scottish Borders 9,730 9,700 9,550
Shetland Islands 1,120 1,120 1,100
South Ayrshire 12,500 12,560 12,440
South Lanarkshire 34,260 34,120 33,990
Stirling 6,460 6,410 6,350
West Dunbartonshire 14,040 14,020 13,780
West Lothian 16,590 16,620 16,470


1. Recipients are as at monthly count date. See Methodology notes section 2 for more details:

2. CTR reduces the council tax liability on chargeable dwellings, where the inhabitants apply for CTR and meet the criteria. The CTR caseload statistics count a "recipient" as the number of dwellings that benefited from a Council Tax Reduction. This means that a recipient can be a single person or a couple, with or without children.

3. Figures are rounded to the nearest 10. Components may not sum to total due to rounding.

A Council Tax Reduction receipient can be a single person or a couple, with or without children.
They all count as one recipient. This is because Council Tax is charged to dwellings, not individuals.

Council Tax Reduction recipients

Table 2: Council Tax Reduction weekly expenditure estimate (£000's) by Local Authority: July 2014 to September 2014 1,2,3

Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14
SCOTLAND 6,860.7 6,860.6 6,814.2
Aberdeen City 184.4 183.6 181.2
Aberdeenshire 144.7 144.5 143.5
Angus 103.9 103.9 103.1
Argyll and Bute 109.0 109.1 108.5
Clackmannanshire 70.3 70.3 69.7
Dumfries and Galloway 169.6 170.1 169.3
Dundee City 247.5 247.0 245.4
East Ayrshire 189.3 189.2 188.7
East Dunbartonshire 90.6 90.4 90.1
East Lothian 105.9 105.3 105.2
East Renfrewshire 75.0 75.1 74.4
Edinburgh, City of 530.7 534.2 529.0
Eilean Siar 29.6 29.7 29.6
Falkirk 164.5 164.3 164.1
Fife 410.3 410.4 408.3
Glasgow City 1,376.8 1,377.1 1,370.8
Highland 241.0 240.3 237.2
Inverclyde 133.7 133.7 132.5
Midlothian 103.4 103.4 103.3
Moray 75.0 74.8 73.6
North Ayrshire 227.7 228.1 226.6
North Lanarkshire 486.7 486.5 484.6
Orkney Islands 14.6 14.9 14.6
Perth and Kinross 133.0 132.1 130.9
Renfrewshire 263.7 264.5 261.8
Scottish Borders 110.8 110.5 109.3
Shetland Islands 12.6 12.6 12.4
South Ayrshire 169.2 169.8 167.9
South Lanarkshire 413.7 412.3 410.9
Stirling 87.2 86.7 85.9
West Dunbartonshire 188.6 188.1 184.8
West Lothian 197.9 198.2 196.9


1. Recipients are as at monthly count date. See Methodology notes section 2 for more details:

2. Figures are rounded to the nearest £100. Components may not sum to total due to rounding.

3. Weekly expenditure estimate was based on 'caseload multiplied by average weekly award' for each local authority and benefit type for the given month.


Email: Esther Laird

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