
Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2014-15

Official Statistics Bulletin presents statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police in Scotland. It forms part of the Scottish Government series of statistical bulletins on the criminal justice system. Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police provide a measure of the volume of criminal activity with which the police are faced.

Table A2: Sexual crimes5 recorded by the police, Scotland, 2005-06 to 2014-15

Number & Percentage

Sexual crimes 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 % change 13-14 to 14-15
Rape & attempted rape 1,161 1,123 1,053 963 996 1,131 1,274 1,462 1,808 1,901 5
Rape 975 922 908 821 884 997 1,183 1,372 1,690 1,797 6
Attempted rape 186 201 145 142 112 134 91 90 118 104 -12
Sexual assault 3,392 3,452 3,502 3,297 3,412 3,220 2,908 3,008 3,405 3,727 9
Sexual assault including against children 1,557 1,714 1,721 1,681 1,737 1,774 2,056 2,166 2,449 2,713 11
Lewd and libidinous practices 1,835 1,738 1,781 1,616 1,675 1,446 852 842 956 1,014 6
Crimes associated with prostitution 730 779 682 765 661 576 567 534 490 374 -24
Crimes relating to prostitution 684 718 525 533 418 353 344 348 295 179 -39
Soliciting services of person engaged in prostitution - - 101 172 162 154 149 133 117 138 18
Brothel keeping 11 18 27 24 34 21 36 28 32 36 13
Immoral traffic 27 17 16 21 36 33 26 14 32 13 -59
Procuration 8 26 13 15 11 15 12 11 14 8 -43
Other 1,275 1,372 1,315 1,306 1,458 1,769 2,612 2,689 2,901 3,555 23
Other sexually coercive conduct ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 155 660 823 956 1,508 58
Other sexual crimes involving 13-15 year old children 316 436 394 370 445 441 516 429 434 417 -4
Taking, distribution, possession etc. of indecent photos of children * * * * 69 225 375 595 621 603 -3
Incest 29 19 18 19 49 17 18 16 11 7 -36
Illegal homosexual acts 98 84 87 97 74 118 46 45 53 56 6
Indecent exposure 816 817 786 786 766 742 894 680 682 784 15
Other sexual crimes 16 16 30 34 55 71 103 101 144 180 25
Total Sexual crimes5 6,558 6,726 6,552 6,331 6,527 6,696 7,361 7,693 8,604 9,557 11

Please see Notes for Tables at end of Chapter 5.

- =The relevant legislation for this category was implemented in 2007-08.

~ =The relevant legislation for this category was implemented in 2010-11.

* = Crimes within this category were not separately identifiable before 2009-10.


Email: Keith Paterson

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