
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15: Main Findings

Main findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014/15.


1. McCaig, E and Leven, T (2003) Fundamental review of the Scottish Crime Survey, Edinburgh, Scottish Executive

2. From April 2016, the SCJS will revert to a continuous survey of around 6,000 adults each year.

3. SCJS Datasets

4. GSS (2014) Communicating Uncertainty and Change: Guidance for official statistics producers-

5. Annex A Table A1.2 shows the estimated number of crimes in each category over time.

6. There was a break in survey methodology from 2008/09, moving to a rolling reference period, increased sample size and continuous fieldwork until a move to a biennial design for 2012/13.

7. Definitions for the groups of crimes used in this report can be found in Section 9.3 of the Technical Report. Incidence variables are in the Respondent File SPSS: INCVAND, INCALLMVTHEFT, INCHOUSEBREAK, INCOTHERHOUSETHEFTCYCLE, INCPERSTHEFT, INCASSAULT, INCROB.

8. Including the England & Wales, Northern Ireland, the USA, Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and New Zealand.

9. CSEW data:

10. It should be noted that this 'comparable' series is broadly, rather than directly, comparable and the offence classification system used in the survey can only approximate that used by the police. Therefore, making comparisons between SCJS categories and police recorded offence codes are approximate and categories will not be directly equivalent in all cases.

11. Section 9.3 of the Technical Report provides more information about the crime groups used in this report, including the comparable crime subset.

12. See Section 1.2 for a brief history of victimisation surveys in Scotland.

13. A comparison of the two methods highlights a lag effect, suggesting that using the second method, the difference between recorded crime and SCJS crime estimated to be reported to the police is likely to be less than that derived from using the first method presented here.

14. SCJS 2014/15 Technical Report, Chapter 7 -

15. Scotland Performs:

16. Table D1, Annual Trend and Demographic Tables - Crime in England and Wales, period ending March 2015 -

17. The analysis only presents simple one-to-one relationships of age, gender and age by gender rather than more complex statistical relationships such as those described in Box 4.1 that might be identified through modelling.

18. Annex A Table A1.6 to A1.8 provides further data on risk of crime by deprivation.

19. Further detail is provided in the 2014/15 SCJS Technical Report (sections 4.5 and 9.2).

20. Series - where the respondent experiences "the same thing, done under the same circumstances and probably by the same people".

21. Base: Property Crime (1,640); Vandalism (600); All motor vehicle theft related incidents (170): Housebreaking (90); Other household theft (incl. bicycle theft) (570); Personal theft (excl. robbery) (220); Violent Crime (280)

22. Repeat victim variables are in the Respondent File SPSS: REPPROPERTY, REPALLVAND, REPALLMVTHEFT, REPHOUSEBREAK, REPOTHERHOUSETHEFTCYCLE, REPPERSTHEFT, REPVIOLENT. Weighting variables used are WGTGHHD for all crime groups except property crime (as it is a mixture of household and personal crime), personal theft (excluding robbery) and violent crime, where WGTGINDIV is used.

23. ONS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Hierarchy:

24. Crime reported to the police covers all crime the police came to know about, including incidents reported by the respondent or someone else, and incidents where the police were there at the time of the incident or found out in some other way.


26. Scottish Government website:

27. CSEW results:

28. Feelings of safety walking home alone after dark, year ending March 2013 to year ending March 2015 CSEW -

29. Prevalence variables (listed based on Figure 1.10 top to bottom) are in the Respondent File SPSS: PREVMOTOVVAND, PREVHOUSEBREAK, PREVASSAULT, PREVROB, PREVPROPVAND, PREVTHEFTFROMMV, PREVTHEFTOFMV

30. The eight legacy Scottish police forces reformed to create the Police Service of Scotland, on 1 April 2013.

31. 2014/15 SCJS Questionnaire: Variable QRATPOL

32. SCJS Datasets:

33. Police Divisions were not created until Police Scotland was established on 01/04/2013, therefore to enable comparisons over time, Police Division results have also been derived for interviews conducted before 01/04/2013, on the basis on respondents' postcode.

34. Annex Tables A1.14 to A1.19 show police confidence in each of the six measures, broken down by police division.

35. 293 of respondents said that they were in the police, or they were married to or lived with a serving police officer and were not asked the questions covering attitudes to police


37. Respondents, who were serving police officers, or where a member of their household was a serving police officer, were not asked these questions. Å

38. In 2012/13, this figure was reported to be 18%. However, the 2014/15 figure no longer includes penalty points for motor vehicle offences.

39. 'The problems to which the principles of civil law apply today are not abstract legal problems. They are not problems familiar only to lawyers, or discussed only in tribunals and civil courts. They are for the most part the problems of everyday life - the problems people face as constituents of a broad civil society' (Pleasance et al., 2004).

40. Accountant in Bankruptcy website:


Email: Trish Brady-Campbell

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