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Showing all 39291 publications

  1. First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Social Security Chamber and Upper Tribunal for Scotland (Rules of Procedure)(Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2022: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    A Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) to consider the impacts of The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Social Security Chamber and Upper Tribunal for Scotland (Rules of Procedure)(Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2022.

  2. Update on cladding remediation programme: Cabinet Secretary's statement

    Statement by Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing and Local Government Shona Robison to the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh on Thursday 12 May 2022.

  3. Improving victims' experiences of the justice system: consultation

    The consultation seeks views on potential reforms to empower and protect victims of crime, with particular reference to sexual offences. It takes forward the work of the Victims Taskforce and recommendations from Lady Dorrian’s Review which do, or may, require a legislative underpinning.

  4. Bail supervision: national guidance

    This document provides revised guidance for the operation of bail supervision setting out standards and expectations to support the consistent delivery of the service across Scotland.

    Part of:
    Justice social work guidance
  5. Estimation of sectoral CAP payment 'envelopes' 2019

    This report uses data on the level of past funding provided to individual farm businesses and Standard Output (SO) values to estimate notional payment ‘envelopes’ to different sectors.

  6. Funeral Sector Inspectorate and Funeral Director Licensing Scheme: privacy notice

    Privacy notice for the Funeral Sector Inspectorate and Funeral Director Licensing Scheme.

  7. UNCRC Implementation Embedding in Public Services minutes: 21 March 2022

    Minutes from the meeting of the group on 21 March 2022.

  8. Ferries debate: statement by Transport Minister Jenny Gilruth

    Opening statement by Transport Minister Jenny Gilruth to the ferries debate in the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 11 May 2022.

  9. Scotland Heat Map: organisation contact list

    Organisations that hold a set of the heat map data.

  10. Windrush Lessons Learned Review: letter to UK Government

    Letter from the Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development following the publication of Wendy Williams’ Windrush Lessons Learned Review: progress update.

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