Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) Levels 2018-19

Results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CFE) levels 2018 to 2019.

Chapter 6: Achievement of CfE Levels of pupils based in special schools/units

  • Around a quarter of pupils based in special schools/units were reported as following their own individual milestones.
  • A further quarter of pupils were assessed as ‘Not yet achieved Early Level’.
  • For each organiser, at least one third of pupils based in special schools/units were reported as having achieved a CfE Level.

Chart 12 shows the highest CfE level achieved for all pupils in special schools and standalone special units (for further information see Chapter

Around twenty-six per cent of pupils within special school and standalone special units were following their own milestones.

Around a quarter of pupils in special schools and standalone special units had Not Yet Achieved Early Level.

Of the pupils who achieved a CfE level within special schools/units, this was highest for listening and talking and numeracy at 36 per cent, followed by reading (35 per cent) and writing (33 per cent). It should be noted that these proportions cannot be directly compared to those presented in other Chapters of this report. In order to show the full range of information recorded for pupils in special schools and standalone special units the calculations in this chapter include pupils recorded as Not Assessed. Pupils recorded as Not Assessed are excluded from the analysis in other chapters.

Around 12 per cent of pupils in special schools and standalone special units were not assessed. The ‘Not Assessed’ category within standalone special school/units may include pupils studying towards national qualifications normally undertaken in the Senior Phase. For further information see Chapter

The patterns observed in 2018/19 are similar to those seen in earlier years. However compared to both 2016/17 and 2017/18 there have been increases in the proportions of pupils recorded as achieving a CfE Level across all organisers. At the same time the proportions of pupils who were recorded as following their own individual milestones or as Not Assessed have fallen slightly over this period (Table 5).

Table 5: Percentage of special schools/units pupils achieving CfE levels, 2018/19 a

Year CfE level Reading Writing Listening & Talking Numeracy
2018/19 Not Yet Achieved Early Level 26 28 25 26
Achieved Early Level 18 18 19 20
Achieved First Level 11 10 11 10
Achieved Second Level 4 3 4 3
Achieved Third Level 2 2 2 1
Achieved Fourth Level 1 1 1 1
Not Assessed 12 12 12 12
Child following individual milestones 27 27 26 27
2017/18 Not Yet Achieved Early Level 25 26 24 25
Achieved Early Level 14 14 14 17
Achieved First Level 12 11 12 10
Achieved Second Level 4 4 4 3
Achieved Third Level 2 2 2 1
Achieved Fourth Level 0 0 0 0
Not Assessed 16 16 16 16
Child following individual milestones 27 27 27 27
2016/17 Not Yet Achieved Early Level 25 26 24 25
Achieved Early Level 15 15 15 16
Achieved First Level 8 8 9 8
Achieved Second Level 3 3 4 3
Achieved Third Level 2 1 2 1
Achieved Fourth Level 0 0 0 0
Not Assessed 17 17 17 17
Child following individual milestones 29 29 29 29

a. The robustness and consistency of these statistics have increased over time. This should be kept in mind when making comparisons between years, see Chapter

Chart 12: Percentage of pupils in special schools/units achieving CfE Levels, 2018/19

Chart 12: Percentage of pupils in special schools/units achieving CfE Levels, 2018/19



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