Activity Agreements National Implementation 2011-12

This paper provides a summary of reported participation in Activity Agreements during the first full year of the national roll-out of the programme (1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012). The paper outlines characteristics and outcomes for young people that have either completed or dropped out of an Activity Agreement during this period.

Participation and outcomes after an Activity Agreement

9 Information on the post-training activity of almost half (49%) of the leavers in our total sample is missing. As a result, we can only report on the outcomes of a partial sample of 530 leavers in total. Analysis of data for this group of leavers (completers and drop-outs) suggests that almost three quarters (73%) go on to a participate in learning or work; 8% were unemployed (or otherwise disengaged[5]) and 19% were reported as having an unknown or 'other' (unspecified) outcome[6] (see table 13)

10 Further analysis of the data shows that those who completed their Activity Agreement had markedly better outcomes than those who left the programme early (see tables 13a-c):

  • Of those who completed their Activity Agreement (n=471), 79% went on to other learning, training or work; 5% became unemployed (or otherwise disengaged) and 16% were reported as having an unknown or 'other' (unspecified) outcome.
  • Of those who dropped out of their Activity Agreement before completion (n=59), 27% went on to other learning, training or work; 35% became unemployed (or otherwise disengaged) and 37% were recorded as having an unknown or 'other' (unspecified) outcome..

11 This finding is tentative as the numbers of young people dropping out are small in comparison to the completers group. However, it would suggest that there are clear benefits to young people in completing the agreed programme of support.


Email: David Jack

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