
Onshore unconventional oil and gas in Scotland: analysis of responses to consultations

Analysis of stakeholders' responses to our 2018 consultation on statutory and other assessments relating to unconventional oil and gas in Scotland, and to the 2019 consultation on an addendum to those assessments.

Annex 3: Number of responses to each question

Table A3.1 below shows the number of respondents who answered each of the consultation questions.

Note that the figures in this table are provisional and will be confirmed following analysis.

Table A3.1: Number of responses to each consultation question

Question Number of responses % of total (329)
  Orgs Indivs Total responses
Q1 What are your views on the accuracy and scope of the information used to describe the SEA environmental baseline set out in the Environmental Report? 39 143 182 55%
Q2 What are your views on the predicted environmental effects as set out in the Environmental Report? 37 142 179 54%
Q3 What are your views on the 'reasonable alternatives' outlined in the Environmental Report? Please provide any other 'reasonable alternatives' which you think should be considered. 35 129 164 50%
Q4 What are your views on the findings of the SEA and the proposals for mitigation and monitoring of the environmental effects set out in the Environmental Report? 33 130 163 50%
Q5 Do you have any views on the proposals contained within the Scottish Government's preferred policy position statement? There is no need to restate views already expressed in relation to the Talking "Fracking" public consultation as these have been, and will continue to be, taken into account as we move towards finalising the Scottish Government's policy position. 36 133 169 51%
Q6 What are your views on the opportunities and challenges that each of the 3 options set out in the partial BRIA could have for businesses? 31 125 156 47%



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