Coronavirus (COVID-19): fertility treatment - plans for restarting treatment - framework

In response to the direct threat of COVID-19 to patients, the wider Scottish population and NHS Scotland services, all NHS funded Scottish centres took the decision to pause services from 17 March 2020. This document sets out the plans for restarting fertility services from 18 May 2020.

13 Appendix 3 - cervical screening

Appendix 3 - cervical screening

* Inform patient that exception has been to usual protocols due to time sensitive manner of their fertility treatment – if patient accepting of this and not able to have cervical screening obtained by local team prior to commencing treatment, then the overdue screening test should be obtained at next available opportunity e.g. postnatal or between cycles.

** Consider discussion with local colposcopy team if scheduled repeat colp assessment/cervical screening due < 3months.

As previously - any patient with an unresolved high grade cervical screening test result, suspicious cervix/symptoms or awaiting a colposcopy treatment should not proceed with fertility treatment until the matter is resolved. Urgent appointments have continued during lockdown.



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