Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phase 3: Scotland's route map update - 20 August 2020

Update to Scotland's route map setting out further phase 3 changes, as we transition through and out of the COVID-19 crisis.

Outline of key dates

Note: all of the following changes are subject to relevant public health guidance.

The following are confirmed dates

With effect from Monday 24 August

  • Outdoor contact sports (all ages) can resume following guidance of relevant sports bodies.
  • Outdoor seated live events and outdoor open space live events – with physical distancing, enhanced hygiene, and restricted numbers – following guidance. Work will be undertaken with the sector on options for larger pilot events.
  • Driving lessons can resume – following guidance.
  • Child contact centres can re-open following guidance.
  • Face-to-face advice services, including Citizens Advice, can resume – following guidance.
  • Bingo halls can re-open with physical distancing and following guidance.
  • Amusement arcades and casinos can re-open following guidance (incl. enhanced hygiene).
  • Snooker/pool halls and indoor bowling can re-open – following guidance (incl. enhanced hygiene).
  • Funfairs – both static and travelling – can re‑open, following guidance.

With effect from Monday 31 August

  • Gyms (indoor) can re-open – following guidance.
  • Swimming pools can re-open – following guidance.
  • Indoor sports courts can reopen – following guidance, incl. skating, dance studios: Children (0-12) years can resume all activity; adults and young people (12+) can resume non-contact activity only.
  • Indoor activities for children and young people (unregulated) can resume subject to guidance that will vary by activity. Indoor youth work can resume for young people in line with guidance.

The following are indicative dates only – conditional on 10 September review

With effect from Monday 14 September

  • Indoor soft play can re-open – following guidance (e.g. no ball pools, enhanced hygiene).
  • Certain indoor live events – with physical distancing, enhanced hygiene, and restricted numbers – following guidance. Work will be undertaken with the sector on options for pilot events.
  • Other indoor entertainment venues – following guidance with physical distancing requirements (e.g. theatres, live music venues). Not nightclubs.
  • Indoor sports courts– including skating and dance studios – can be used by adults and young people (12+) for contact sports – subject to guidance.
  • Stadia – limited re-opening – following guidance (e.g. physical distancing, restricted numbers) – with option for testing on earlier dates subject to agreement with government.
  • Outdoor focussed standing live events – with physical distancing, enhanced hygiene, and restricted numbers – following guidance. Work will be undertaken with the sector on options for larger pilot events.

The following have not yet been set a date and should await further review

  • Non-essential offices and call centres can re-open following implementation of relevant guidance (including on physical distancing). Working from home and working flexibly remain the default.
  • Remaining indoor live events– with physical distancing, enhanced hygiene, and restricted numbers – following guidance. Work will be undertaken with the sector on options for pilot events.

Scaling up of public services

During Phase 3, a range of public services will continue to safely re-open and expand.

Public transport is scaling up to full services during Phase 3 with a move to 1 metre physical distancing, subject to appropriate risk mitigations, releasing further capacity in vehicles and vessels.

Scaling-up health and social care across Phase 3

Services will continue to scale up in line with NHS remobilisation plans.

Measuring the impact of changes

The Equality and Fairer Scotland Impact Assessment (EQFSIA) covering the Route Map is published and will be updated as we progress through the remaining Phases. We will publish other relevant impact assessments in due course.



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