
Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture 2015

Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture 2015 presenting an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage.

Tables (a spreadsheet version of the tables is available online, in some cases containing a longer time series)

A1 Output, input and income, 2010 to 2014

A2 (i) Area of cereals, root crops and horticultural crops, 2010 to 2014

A2 (ii) Estimated yield of cereals, root crops and horticultural crops, 2010 to 2014

A2 (iii) Estimated production of cereals, root crops and horticultural crops, 2010 to 2014

A3 Output and utilisation of cereals and oilseed rape, 2010 to 2014

A4 Output and utilisation of potatoes, vegetables and fruit, 2010 to 2014

A5 Output and prices of cattle and sheep, 2010 to 2014

A6 Output and prices of pigs, poultry and livestock products, 2010 to 2014

A7 Annual average hay and straw prices, 2010 to 2014

A8 Prices and quantities of fertiliser and lime used by Scottish farmers, 2010 to 2014

A9 Annual average prices of red diesel in UK, 2010 to 2014

A10 Average weekly earnings of regular full-time hired workers, 2010 to 2014

A11 Total bank advances to agriculture at 31st May 2010 to 2014

A12 (i) Agricultural payments and subsidies included in the aggregate account, 2010 to 2014

A12 (ii) Agricultural other payments and subsidies not included in the aggregate account, 2010 to 2014

A13 Estimated balance sheet for Scottish agriculture at current prices, 2010 to 2014

A14 Investment by farmers, 2010 to 2014

A15 Major economic indicators of Scottish agriculture, 2010 to 2014

A16 Productivity indices, 2010 to 2014

Farm Accounts Survey

B1 FAS summary table 1 (by farm type): 2013-14

B2 FAS summary table 2: 2009-10 to 2013-14 (2013-14 prices)

B3 Average cropping and stocking, output, inputs, and Farm Business Income by type of farm: 2013-14 bands by quartile: 2013-14

B4 Farm business income, outputs and inputs performance bands by quartile: 2013-14

B5 Number of diversified activities and average income in FAS sample (2013-14 prices): 2010-11 to 2013-14

B6 Percentage distribution of income from diversified activities, 2010-11 to 2013-14

B7 Diversified activity and incomes (matched sample) at 2013-14 prices: 2010-11 to 2013-14

B8 Percentage distribution of farms according to Farm Business Incomes: 2013-14

B9 Percentage distribution of farms according to Farm Business Incomes per unpaid labour (FTE), relative to the minimum agricultural wage (MAW): 2013-14

B10 Average sources and levels of income, including off-farm income (2013-14 prices), 2009-10 to 2013-14

B11 Average opening and closing balance sheets by tenure and type of farm: 2013-14

B12 Enterprise performance summary table: 2012-13 and 2013-14

B13 Farm Business Income by cost centre: 2012-14

Agricultural Census

C1 Number of holdings by sub-regional, region and farm type, June 2014

C2 Crops, grass and rough grazing for each United Kingdom country, June 2014

C3 Agricultural area by Less Favoured Area category, June 2014

C4 Number of holdings with crops and grass and area of crops and grass by sub-region and region, June 2014

C5 Number of holdings and area by sub-region, region and size of holding, June 2014

C6 Number of holdings with crops and grass and area of crops and grass by region and size group, June 2014

C7 Number of holdings by size group and farm type, June 2014

C8 Number of livestock for each United Kingdom country, June 2014

C9 Number of livestock by Less Favoured Area category, June 2014

C10(i) Number of holdings with livestock by sub-region and region, June 2014

C10(ii) Number of livestock by sub-region and region, June 2014

C11 Number of holdings with dairy cows and number of dairy cows by region and size group, June 2014

C12 Number of holdings with beef cows and number of beef cows by region and size group, June 2014

C13 Number of holdings with calves and number of calves by region and size group, June 2014

C14 Number of holdings with breeding ewes and number of breeding ewes by region and size group, June 2014

C15 Number of holdings with female breeding pigs and number of female breeding pigs by region and size group, June 2014

C16 Number of holdings with fattening pigs and number of fattening pigs by region and size group, June 2014

C17 Number of holdings with fowls for producing eggs, by region and size group, June 2014

C18 Number of holdings with breeding fowls and number of breeding fowls by region and size group, June 2014

C19 Number of occupiers, spouses and employees by Less Favoured Area, June 2014

C20 Number of occupiers and spouses by age group, June 2014

C21(i) Number of holdings with occupiers, spouses and employees by sub-region and region, June 2014

C21(ii) Number of occupiers, spouses and employees by sub-region and region, June 2014

C22 Number of holdings with full-time employees and number of full-time employees by region and size group, June 2014

C23 Number and area of holdings by main farm type, total from Standard Outputs and Standard Labour Requirements, 2013 and 2014

C24 Number of holdings by Standard Outputs, regional grouping and region, June 2014

C25 Number of holdings, total and average from Standard Outputs, total and average Standard Labour Requirement by regional grouping and region, June 2014

C26 Number of holdings by Standard Labour Requirements and farm type, June 2014

C27 Number of tractors, and other machinery, on main holdings, December 2004-2014

C28 Area of agricultural land rented, in million hectares, 2004-2014


Email: Agricultural Statistics

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