
Education Maintenance Allowances: 2013-14

Education Maintenance Allowances data for academic year 2013-14

1. Summary of Key Findings

  • 34,955 school pupils and college students received EMA payments in Scotland in the academic year 2013-14, a decrease of 1.6% (560) from 35,515 in 2012-13 (Table 1).
  • School pupils account for 69% of young people in receipt of EMA payment, with the remaining 31% being college students. Of the 70,980 school pupils aged 16-19 years old in Scotland, 34% (24,195) received an EMA payment in 2013-14 (Table 1).
  • Of the EMA recipients whose deprivation classification was known, 34% (11,875) lived within Scotland's 20 per cent most deprived areas (Table 2).
  • The total spend on EMAs in 2013-14 was £28.2 million, an increase of £0.4 million from £27.8 million in 2012-13 (Table 4). Of this, £20.4 million (72%) was paid out to school pupils, and the remaining £7.9 million (28%) was paid out to young people attending college (Table 5).


Email: Lisa Bell

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