NHSScotland whistleblowing helpline evaluation: 1 February to 31 October 2019

Evaluation by Protect of the NHS Scotland whistleblowing helpline during the period 1 February 2019 to 31 October 2019.

Health Boards

We also provide information on the numbers of whistleblowing concerns raised in each Health Board during this reporting period where we have this information and the individual cannot be identified. This information is sent to Health Boards directly by way of a short 6 monthly report. It is not a requirement for an individual to provide the name of the Health Board they are employed by in order to obtain our advice and as such these figures should be seen as indicative only as we may have received additional calls from individuals who do not identify their Health Board.

Of the 26 public cases from NHS Scotland, 10 of these identified the organisation they worked for. There were 7 Health Boards identified. Due to the low numbers of calls received for the Health Boards listed below (between 1-5 calls), where the information could potentially identify a caller, we are unable to report on the exact number of cases from any of these Health Boards. The breakdown of self-identified calls was as follows:

NHS Ayrshire and Arran 1-5
NHS Forth Valley 1-5
NHS Grampian 1-5
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 1-5
NHS Highlands 1-5
NHS Tayside 1-5
Scottish Ambulance Service 1-5


Email: John.malone@gov.scot

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