Fair Start Scotland evaluation report 2: participant phone survey - November 2019

Part of a series on the evaluation of Fair Start Scotland employability services. It presents more detailed findings from a representative telephone survey of FSS participants and explores their experiences in the first year of service delivery (Apr 18 to Mar 19).

5. Reasons for leaving FSS service

As mentioned in section 2.1, 46 per cent of participants said they were no longer receiving a service from FSS at the time they were surveyed in June 2019. As shown in Figure 4.6 below, the most common reasons for leaving was that the service came to an end (22%) or that the participant moved into work (21%). A further 17% left because their health deteriorated whilst 16% felt the service was not relevant to their needs.

Figure 4.6: Reasons for leaving the FSS Service

Figure 4.6: Reasons for leaving the FSS Service

Source: D4: Why did you leave the support service? Base: All no longer receiving support (456)

Those who moved into work or training were more likely to be younger, as this reason was given by 37% of those aged 16 to 24, and 30% of those aged 16 to 34, compared to the average of 23% overall. Older participants were more likely to say that they could no longer stay on the service (29% compared to 21% overall) and this was predominantly because their health deteriorated (27% gave this reason for leaving).


Email: kirstie.corbett@gov.scot

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