Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2011

Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2011

3. Commentary

3.1 Firearm Certificates

(Table 1, Table 2, Table 2A, Table 3, Chart 2 and Chart 4)

3.1.1 There were 25,831 firearm certificates on issue at the end of 2011, a decrease of less than one per cent from 2010, and the lowest number of firearm certificates on issue over the last ten years.

3.1.2 The number of firearms held on certificate increased by two per cent, from 70,410 in 2010 to 71,860 in 2011 (see Annex 5.9). This is the highest number of firearms held on certificate over the ten years covered by this bulletin and is 19 per cent higher than the 60,599 held on certificate in 2002.

3.1.3 Although the number of firearm certificates on issue are at their lowest level in ten years, the figures have remained relatively stable over the period. In contrast, the number of firearms held on certificate has shown an increasing trend, with the average number of firearms held on each certificate rising from 2.3 in 2002 to 2.8 in 2011.

Chart 2 New firearm certificate applications (granted), cancellations, revocations and total number on issue in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

Chart 2 New firearm certificate applications (granted), cancellations, revocations and total number on issue in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

3.1.4 In 2011, there were 1,141 applications for a new firearm certificate, a decrease of one per cent on the 1,152 applications in 2010. Of the total number of applications for a new firearm certificate in 2011, 1,121 were granted with 20 applications (two per cent) being refused.

3.1.5 In 2011, there were 6,393 applications for the renewal of a firearm certificate, with only eight of those applications being refused.

3.1.6 There were 1,279 firearm certificates cancelled and 32 certificates revoked in 2011, compared to 1,112 cancellations and 38 revocations in 2010. The number of cancellations and revocations outnumbered the new applications granted by 190, thus contributing to a reduction in the overall number of firearm certificates on issue for the third consecutive year.

3.1.7 Over a quarter (6,674) of all firearm certificates on issue at the end of 2011 were in Northern Constabulary. Grampian police force contained the second highest number of firearm certificates (4,501), followed by Strathclyde (3,806) and Lothian & Borders police forces (3,642).

3.1.8 In 2011, the number of firearm certificates on issue per head of population was highest in Northern Constabulary (2,299 per 100,000 population) and lowest in Strathclyde police force (171 per 100,000 population). This is not unexpected given that those police forces with the highest number of firearm certificates on issue per head of population relate to the more rural areas of Scotland, where populations are lower and employment and recreational activities may require the use of firearms.

3.1.9 The 25,831 firearm certificates on issue as at 31 December 2011 covered the possession of 71,860 firearms. In addition, the certificates on issue were authorised a further 9,057 firearms to be purchased or acquired (see Table 3 and Annex 5.9).

3.1.10 Of the 54,551 firearms held on certificate where it was possible to distinguish the weapon type, the majority (83 per cent) were rifles (see Annex 5.7).

3.2 Shotgun Certificates

(Table 4, Table 5, Table 5A, Chart 3 and Chart 4)

3.2.1 There were 48,726 shotgun certificates on issue at the end of 2011, a decrease of one per cent from 2010 and the lowest number on issue in the ten year period cover by this bulletin.

3.2.2 The 48,726 shotgun certificates on issue at the end of 2011 covered the possession of 138,939 shotguns. This is a decrease of two per cent from the 135,987 shotguns held on certificate at the end of 2010 and the highest number over the last ten years.

3.2.3 The average number of shotguns held on each certificate issued has increased from 2.4 in 2002 to 2.9 in 2011.

3.2.4 In 2011, there were 1,777 applications for a new shotgun certificate, of which 1,736 were granted and 41 (two per cent) were refused.

Chart 3 New shotgun certificate applications (granted), cancellations, revocations and total number on issue in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

Chart 3 New shotgun certificate applications (granted), cancellations, revocations and total number on issue in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

3.2.5 There were 12,449 applications for a renewal of a shotgun certificate in 2011, with only nine of those applications refused.

3.2.6 In 2011, a total of 2,422 shotgun certificates were cancelled, which accounted for nearly five per cent of all shotgun certificates from the previous year. There were 52 shotgun certificates revoked in 2011, a reduction on the 71 certificates revoked in 2010. The number of cancellations and revocations outnumbered the new applications granted by 738, thus contributing to a reduction in the number of shotgun certificates on issue for the second consecutive year.

3.2.7 Strathclyde police force area contained the highest number of shotgun certificates (8,800) on issue in 2011. This was closely followed by 8,663 shotgun certificates on issue in Grampian and 8,536 in Northern.

3.2.8 However, per head of population, the number of shotgun certificates on issue was highest in Northern Constabulary (2,940 per 100,000 population) and lowest in Strathclyde police force (396 per 100,000 population). Again, this is not unexpected given that those police forces with the highest number of shotgun certificates on issue per head of population relate to the more rural areas of Scotland, where populations are lower and employment and recreational activities may require the use of shotguns.

Chart 4 Number of firearm and shotgun certificates on issue per 100,000 population, Scotland, as at 31 December 2011

Chart 4 Number of firearm and shotgun certificates on issue per 100,000 population, Scotland, as at 31 December 2011

3.3 Firearm Dealers

(Table 6 and Table 7)

3.3.1 There were 347 registered firearm dealers in Scotland at the end of 2011, an increase of three per cent from the 337 registered dealers in 2010 and the highest number of registered dealers over the last ten years.

3.3.2 In 2011, there were 32 new applications granted for registration from firearm dealers, with 80 renewal of registration applications granted. There were no refusals for either new registration or renewal applications, although 23 registrations were cancelled.

3.3.3 The number of registered dealers per head of population was highest in Dumfries and Galloway and in Northern Constabulary (22 firearm dealers per 100,000 population) and lowest in Lothian & Borders police force (3 firearm dealers per 100,000 population).

3.4 Visitor Permits

(Table 8)

3.4.1 In 2011, a total of 2,109 firearm applications for a Visitor Permit were submitted by EC and non-EC residents, an eight per cent decrease on the 2,298 applications submitted in 2010 (see Annex 5.13).

3.4.2 In 2011, a total of 4,306 shotgun applications for a Visitor Permit were submitted by EC and non-EC residents. This is a one per cent decrease on the 4,367 applications submitted in 2010 (see Annex 5.13).

3.5 European Firearm Passes

(Table 9)

3.5.1 There were 1,451 European Firearm Passes on issue at the end of 2011, an increase of six per cent on the 1,363 on issue at the end of in 2010 (see Annex 5.13).

3.5.2 In 2011, a total of 166 new applications were issued for a European Firearm Pass, with 163 renewals issued and 78 cancellations.

3.5.3 The number of European Firearm Passes on issue in 2011 was highest in Strathclyde police force (424) and lowest in the Fife police force area (39).

3.6 Article 7 Authorities

(Table 10)

3.6.1 There were no applications (granted) for Article 7 Authorities made by certificate holders or non-certificate holders in 2011.


Email: Steven Morrison

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