Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2011

Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2011

4. Appendix of Tables

Table 1. Firearm Certificates: number of new applications (granted and refused), firearm certificates on issue and firearms held in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

Table 2. Firearm Certificates: new applications, renewals, variations, cancellations, revocations and number of firearm certificates on issue by police force area, Scotland, 31 December 2011

Table 2A. Firearm Certificates: cancellations and revocations in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

Table 3. Firearm Certificates: number of firearms possessed on certificate and number of additional firearms authorised to be purchased or acquired on certificate, Scotland, 31 December 2011

Table 4. Shotgun Certificates: number of new applications (granted and refused), shotgun certificates on issue and shotguns held in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

Table 5. Shotgun Certificates: applications, renewals, cancellations, revocations and number of shotgun certificates on issue by police force area, Scotland, 31 December 2011

Table 5A. Shotgun Certificates: cancellations and revocations in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

Table 6. Firearm Dealers: new applications for registration (granted and refused) and number of firearm dealers registered in Scotland as at 31 December, 2002-2011

Table 7. Firearm Dealers: applications, renewals, cancellations and number of firearm dealers registered by police force area, Scotland, 31 December 2011

Table 8. Visitor Permits1: number of applications from EC and non-EC residents by police force area, Scotland, 31 December 2011

Table 9. European Firearm Passes1: new applications, renewals, variations, cancellations and number of European Firearm Passes on issue by police force area, Scotland, 31 December 2011

Table 10. Article 7 Authorities1: number of applications (granted) in Scotland by certificate and non-certificate holders and for possession outside the UK as at 31 December, 2002-2011


Email: Steven Morrison

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