
Housing services and integrated health and social care: housing advice note

Guidance for integration authorities, health boards and local authorities on their responsibilities to involve housing services in the integration of health and social care.

7. The Housing Contribution Statement

7.6. Housing Contribution Statements ( HCS) were introduced in 2013 and provided an initial link between the strategic planning process in housing at a local level and that of health & social care. At that time the HCS had a specific focus on older people and most Local Authorities based their initial HCS on their existing Local Housing Strategy.

7.7. With the establishment of Integration Authorities and localities, Housing Contribution Statements now become an integral part of the Strategic Commissioning Plan, and need to be expanded and strengthened accordingly. As a minimum they must set out the arrangements for carrying out the housing functions delegated to the Integration Authority under s29(2)(a) of the 2014 Act, and the expectation is that they will also, in accordance with s(29)(2)(c), set out an overarching strategic statement of how the Integration Authority intends to work with housing services, whether delegated to it or not, to deliver its outcomes.

7.8. This guidance sets out the new requirements for Housing Contribution Statements. The HCS will now set out the role and contribution of the local housing sector in meeting the outcomes and priorities identified within the Strategic Commissioning Plan. It is the responsibility of the Integration Authority to ensure that the HCS is in place as part of the Strategic Commissioning Plan. In practical terms, given the link to the LHS, it is anticipated that the strategic housing authority will assist closely in this, and that the strategic housing authority will make arrangements for the wider housing sector (i.e. Housing Associations) to contribute too.

7.9. LHS Guidance highlights the importance of the HCS to the strategic housing role of a Local Authority. The HCS can be seen as the 'bridge' between a Local Housing Strategy and the Strategic Commissioning Plan. In essence the expectation is that a seamless strategic process develops that is focused on shared outcomes, priorities and investment decisions that positively contribute to health and well-being.

7.10. The HCS therefore must:

  • Briefly articulate the role of the local housing sector in the governance arrangements for the integration of health & social care;
  • Provide a short overview of the shared evidence base and key issues identified in relation to housing needs and the link to health and social care;
  • Set out the shared outcomes and service priorities linking the Strategic Commissioning Plan and Local Housing Strategy;
  • Set out the current and future resources and investment required to meet these shared outcomes and priorities, and identify where these will be funded from the integrated budget and where they will be funded by other (housing) resources;
  • Provide an overview of the housing-related challenges going forward and improvements required.
  • Cover key areas such as adaptations, housing support and homelessness. It will also need to articulate the housing contribution across a wide range of groups including older people and those with disabilities, mental health and addictions

7.11. Annex 1 provides a suggested template for completion of a Housing Contribution Statement.

Key Points on the Housing Contribution Statement

  • The Integration Authority must put in place a Housing Contribution Statement as part of the Strategic Commissioning Plan.
  • The HCS should as a minimum cover:
    a. The role of housing in the governance structures for health & social care integration;
    b. The shared evidence base and key housing issues related to health and social care (mirrored across the SCP and LHS);
    c. The shared outcomes and service priorities for housing, health & social care;
    d. The current and future housing resource and investment contributing to meeting these outcomes and priorities;
    e. An overview of future challenges and improvements required.
  • Local Authorities should ensure that Housing Associations and other housing organisations such as Care and Repair services working in the local area are able to contribute to the HCS.
  • While the HCS is the responsibility of the Integration Authority, good practice is that it should be signed off by the Local Authority Chief Housing Officer as well as the IA Chief Officer.



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