
Scotland Heat Map: information

Documents and guidance to support use of the Scotland Heat Map. The heat map is a resource for assessing heat demand and supply opportunities across Scotland.


The Scotland Heat Map is a GIS (geographic information system) tool that can be used to identify opportunities to reduce carbon emissions from heat in buildings. It brings together a range of data sources available to the Scottish Government to provide estimates of heat demand at a property and area level. Additional relevant data, such as locations of existing and planned heat networks and existing and potential energy supply, is included to allow spatial analysis and visualisation of heat demand alongside other information relating to energy planning. The map enables you to visualise and assess who needs heat, where sources of heat might come from and how these can be connected in an efficient way to reduce the cost of heat supply and the carbon intensity of heat generation.

There are two versions of the Scotland Heat Map:

  • a free, publicly accessible version available through the Scotland Heat Map Interactive website.
  • a detailed dataset that is shared with local authorities and others through data sharing agreements.



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