Scotland Heat Map: information

Documents and guidance to support use of the Scotland Heat Map. The heat map is a resource for assessing heat demand and supply opportunities across Scotland.

Access to detailed data for other organisations

Access to detailed data for organisations or individuals not covered by the Public Sector Data Sharing Agreement

Individuals or organisations that the PS-DSA would not cover, for example, consultants or academic researchers, can request access to the detailed heat map data set by completing our data sharing request form from the supporting documents section and emailing it to

Please note that completing this form does not guarantee access to the data. We consider each request on its own merits and there are restrictions on what data we can share. The form itself provides more details. However, we encourage anyone requesting access to first consider whether the Scotland Heat Map Interactive website and its associated downloads and web mapping services would meet their data needs before submitting a form.

Our privacy notice for stakeholder contact details gives more information on how we use contact details gathered through our data-sharing request form and other access requests.



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