
Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2019

National Statistics publication that provides data on the tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 36. Number, tonnage and engine power of active Scottish registered vessels by length group and age group as at 31st December 2019

Age Group (years) Length group (metres)
10m & under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 Over 40 Total
Number of vessels Under 10 150 8 4 22 14 6 204
10<15 100 4 2 18 4 3 131
15<20 106 2 6 20 4 4 142
20<25 111 5 5 11 16 2 150
25<30 148 15 2 13 8 - 186
30<35 173 27 15 37 19 - 271
35 yrs & over 329 55 25 81 17 3 510
Not known 442 23 11 13 10 5 504
Totals 1,559 139 70 215 92 23 2098
Average age 1 27 34 34 31 26 15 28
Total tonnage 2 (GT) Under 10 437 76 119 4,201 4,515 19,925 29,273
10<15 278 35 19 2,865 2,026 6,742 11,965
15<20 415 42 220 3,568 1,093 8,526 13,865
20<25 526 69 92 1,498 5,795 1,848 9,827
25<30 539 224 32 1,695 1,979 - 4,469
30<35 643 340 357 4,850 4,711 - 10,900
35 yrs & over 1,333 664 484 5,084 3,313 1,281 12,158
Not known 1,291 254 281 1,766 2,928 12,846 19,366
Totals 5,463 1,703 1,603 25,527 26,360 51,168 111,824
Average tonnage 1 4 12 22 118 286 2,129 58
Engine power (kW) Under 10 11,362 1,532 942 10,269 8,794 38,460 71,359
10<15 6,474 907 936 7,597 5,402 17,771 39,086
15<20 7,771 333 1,307 9,704 2,425 20,415 41,956
20<25 9,515 885 780 4,338 12,352 4,441 32,310
25<30 7,884 1,988 324 4,747 4,769 - 19,713
30<35 8,468 4,365 2,812 13,435 10,888 - 39,968
35 yrs & over 14,733 4,910 3,697 19,056 9,093 3,245 54,733
Not known 22,587 4,542 1,988 4,338 6,147 25,995 65,597
Totals 88,793 19,463 12,786 73,483 59,870 110,327 364,721
Average power 1 59 129 183 342 655 4,685 188

(1) Excludes vessels of unknown age.



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