
See Hear: A strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland

A strategic framework for meeting the needs of people with a sensory impairment in Scotland

4. The Strategic Framework

4.1. This strategic framework covers cradle to grave sensory impairment and is set against a background of increasing demand, the requirement for greater efficiency and effectiveness with available resources and Health and Social Care Integration. It has been developed in the context of a number of wider policy and practice expectations, and has been directly informed by the views of a wide range of stakeholders who have contributed their views on current service provision and made suggestions for future developments.

4.2. It should be a lever for change, promoting the seamless provision of assessment, care and support to people with a sensory impairment. In so doing it:

  • recognises that different types of sensory impairment will require different responses;
  • recognises that the responsibility for systems of care lies with the statutory agencies, but can be delivered across a wide range of agencies and settings. It therefore requires a partnership approach, and the active engagement of a wide range of statutory and third sector agencies in the health and social care sectors, as well as in the wider range of public service provision, and including people with a sensory impairment themselves and, where applicable, their carers and young carers too;
  • identifies practical steps that can be taken to address the above issues across all types of sensory impairment to ensure that needs are recognised and responded to in an outcomes focussed way.

4.3. The issues identified will be addressed over a ten year period, and progress will be subject to regular review. Appendix 1 outlines the timescales in which issues will be addressed.

4.4. With regard to children who have a sensory impairment, whilst the intended outcomes for this younger age group are the same as those outlined for sensory impaired adults, the wider context, and the nature of the support requirements, are significantly different. At the time of writing this Strategy, the Doran review has recently been published, and sets out the strategic vision for children and young people with complex additional support needs in Scotland. Additionally, the Children and Young People Bill is currently moving through the Parliamentary process. Children who are born with, or who acquire hearing or sight loss in early childhood, have very different developmental needs to those of adults who lose their hearing and/or sight later in life, and require very specialist input from a variety of agencies.

4.5. It is recognised therefore that a Sensory Impairment Strategy cannot, and should not, be the sole driver for developments across the full range of health, education and social care services for children with a visual and/or hearing impairment, nor the local and national policies, and indeed legislation, which direct these. However, it is proposed that the inclusion of children within the scope of this Strategy will serve to a) bring all relevant agencies together to share information about current and best practice to avoid duplication of effort and ensure a cohesive approach; b) evaluate the impact and/or possibilities of joint sensory service delivery for children with visual and/or hearing impairment, and their families; and c) support the development of a strategic approach to securing positive outcomes for sensory impaired children which is appropriate and relevant to the wider policy and practice context, and which supports a smooth transition to adult life.

4.6. At the time of writing, the proposed British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill is also going through the development process. This is being dealt with through the Equalities Third Sector and Communities Directorate within the Scottish Government.


Email: Peter Kelly

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