
Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on Scotland Fire and Rescue Services workforce, stations, equipment, fire safety and attacks on Fire and Rescue Service personnel at incidents.

2. Main Points


All data are stated as at 31 March 2013:

  • The headcount for Fire and Rescue Services staff in Scotland totalled 8,964. This is a decrease in headcount of 0.8 % from 31 March 2012. (Table 3).
  • Overall, 13 % of Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services workforce were female (Table 5).
  • The largest age group of staff was aged between 40 and 49 years old and made up 42 % of Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services staff. The next largest age group was staff between 30 and 39 years old at 27 % (Table 7b).
  • Of Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services staff 0.6 % were recorded as belonging to an ethnic minority group (Table 8).
  • Overall 0.6 % of Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services staff had a disability (Table 9).

Attacks on Fire and Rescue Personnel

  • In 2012-13, there were 80 incidents where attacks on Fire and Rescue Service personnel occurred and 4 personnel were injured. This is a decrease of 32 incidents from 2011-12 but an increase of 3 in the number of personnel injured. (Table 10).

Home Fire Safety Visits

  • In 2012-13, there were 56,251 Home Fire Safety Visits performed by Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services - this is approximately 1 visit for every 45 dwellings in Scotland (Table 12a).

Non-Domestic Fire Safety

  • In 2012-13, Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services completed 7,994 fire safety audits. This represents 6 % of known non-domestic premises in Scotland and took 40,728 hours. (Table 13a and 14a)
  • In Scotland in 2012-13, the highest proportion of type of premises audited was care homes, with 71 % of known care homes were audited (Table 13a).
  • Of the 764 premises that were found to be non-compliant with fire safety legislation on the initial visit, 43 were issued with enforcement notice and 22 with prohibition notices (Table 14a).
  • There were 13 alterations notices in force at the end of 2012-13 (Table 16).



Email: Lindsay Bennison

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