
Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on Scotland Fire and Rescue Services workforce, stations, equipment, fire safety and attacks on Fire and Rescue Service personnel at incidents.

5. Appendix of tables


Table 1: Number of stations in Scotland as of 31 March 2012 and 2013

Table 1a: Number of stations in Scotland by crewing type as of 31 March 2013

Table 1b: Percentage of station by crewing type in Scotland as of 31 March 2013


Table 2: Number of FRS vehicles by type as of 31 March 2013 - Fire and Rescue Services


Table 3: Headcount of Fire and Rescue Service Workforce - 2009-10 to 2012-13 - by type of staffing - Scotland

Table 3a: Headcount of Fire and Rescue Service Workforce as of 31 March 2013 - by type of staffing - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 4: Full-time Equivalent of Fire and Rescue Service Workforce 2011-12 to 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 4a: Full-time Equivalent of Fire and Rescue Service Workforce as of 31 March 2013 - by type of staffing - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 5: Headcount and Percentages of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by gender and type of staffing as of 31 March 2013 - Scotland

Table 5a: Percentage of Fire and Rescue Services workforce by gender within each type of staffing as of 31 March 2013 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 5b: Percentage of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by type of staffing within each gender as of 31 March 2013 - Scotland

Table 6: Full-time Equivalent and Percentages of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by gender and type of staffing as of 31 March 2013 - Scotland

Table 7: Headcount of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by type of staffing within age ranges as of 31 March 2013 - Scotland

Table 7a: Percentage of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by type of staffing within age ranges as of 31 March 2013 - Scotland

Table 7b: Percentage of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by type of staffing within age ranges as of 31 March 2013 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 8: Percentage of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by ethnicity as of 31 March 2013 - Scotland

Table 9: Percentage of Fire and Rescue Services Workforce by disability as of 31 March 2013 - Scotland

Attacks on Fire and Rescue Personnel

Table 10: Total number of Fire and Rescue Service personnel injured during attacks at incidents 2012-13

Table 10a: Total number of Fire and Rescue Service personnel injured during attacks at incidents - 2011-12

Table 10b: Total number of Fire and Rescue Service personnel injured during attacks at incidents - 2010-11

Table 11: Percentage of incidents where attacks occurred on Fire and Rescue Service personnel in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 11a: Percentage of incidents where attacks occurred on Fire and Rescue Service personnel in 2011-12 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 11b: Percentage of incidents where attacks occurred on Fire and Rescue Service personnel in 2010-11 - Fire and Rescue Service

Home Fire Safety Visits

Table 12: Number of Home Fire Safety Visits (HFSV) in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 12a: Rate of Home Fire Safety Visits (HFSV) per thousand dwellings in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Non-Domestic Fire Safety

Table 13: Percentage of known non-domestic premises audited - 2009-10 to 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 13a: Percentage of known non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 13b: Number of known non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 14: Number of fire safety audits, enforcement and prohibition notices with average times - 2009-10 to 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 14a: Number of fire safety audits, enforcement and prohibition notices with average times in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 15a: Number and hours of Type A audits in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 15b: Number and hours of Type B audits in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 15c: Number and hours of enforcement notices in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 15d: Number and hours of prohibition notices in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service

Table 16: Number of alterations notices and prosecutions in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 17: Risk level of non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 17a: Percentage of risk level within each non-domestic premise type audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 17b: Percentage of risk level within each level for non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 18: Licensed houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) in 2012-13 - Fire and Rescue Service


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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