Harbour and grey seals: distribution maps
This study presents updated at-sea distribution maps for both harbour and grey seals in Scotland to inform marine spatial planning. The maps are generated using regional habitat preference relationships derived from new tracking data and estimates of seal abundance.
List of Tables & Figures
Figure 1: Trends in harbour seal abundance in Shetland during the annual moult
Figure 2: Schematic representation of methods relating to seal distribution estimation
Figure 3: Tracks of 26 harbour seals tagged in Shetland
Figure 4: Tracking data for seals hauling out in Scotland
Figure 5: Harbour seal distribution estimates
Figure 6: Grey seal distribution estimates
Figure 7: Comparison of predictions for Shetland harbour seal distribution
Table 1: Overview of differences in methods between previous and current approaches
Table 2: Comparison of count data used in previous and current versions
Email: ScotMER@gov.scot
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